Ep 077 – The Art of (and tips for) Expert Storytelling – with Dave Bricker
Dave Bricker has sailed thousands of miles in search of stories. Today, as a speaker, presentation coach, and business storytelling expert, he teaches the art of business transformation through storytelling to leaders, speakers, professionals, and visionaries.
Dave shares with the Trade Show University listeners answers and insights to these top questions:
- What are the top mistakes event organizers make when hiring event speakers
- Pro speakers are expensive. What are the benefits?
- How can event organizers find and qualify speakers?
Also his best tips for show and event organizers…
- Don’t confuse industry expertise or professional achievement with speaking ability.
- Hire speakers who can deliver value in excess of their fee.
- Offer additional value to attract better speakers for less money.
- The quality of your event speakers determines the quality of your event.
- Build and maintain relationships with professional speakers and you’ll always shine.
Find more information and contact Dave Bricker at: https://storysailing.com
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