232 – Trade Show Hacks to Increase ROI with Don Jalbert – Classic Episode
One thing Event Planners and Professionals (#eventprofs) would love to get more of is Trade Show Hacks! So today we are bringing the Hacks!
Sharing his Trade Show Hacks to Improve ROI is Don Jalbert, the owner of Exhibit Associates. He was an outsider who took a tour of Exhibit Associates and within hours decided to buy the company with his wife. Just jumped in with both feet! These are the Hacks he has figured out over the past 9 years.
Tradeshow Hacks to Improve ROI
1. Tell people you are going
2. Exhibit with a plan and share the plan
3. Follow up and Speed wins
4. Stand out in a good way
Don’s top tips & takeaways:
- Follow Up after a tradeshow. Otherwise don’t go.
- The tradeshow booth is not the primary thing to worry about. Your people are your greatest asset and greatest liability.
FREE Resources from Exhibit Associates:
Visit – https://www.exhibitassociates.com/insider
Contact Don Jalbert: