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253 – Top 10 Tips for NETWORKING at Trade Shows & Business Events

Ready to multiply the opportunities you get from your next trade show? Then you’ve got to learn how to effectively network with others! Your best leads an opportunities will come from people you personally know, so let’s get to know more of them!

Here’s my Top 10 Networking Tips for when you are at a Trade Show, and specifically when you are an exhibitor!

1 – Have a go-to question you use every time.

2 – Prep your quick pitch.

3 – Take advantage of networking opportunities.

4 – Bring business cards with you!

5 – At the show, network with the people at all the booths around you!

6 – When you are outside the show, look for other people wearing badges from your show!

7 – Stay at the host hotel, or at least hang out there!

8 – Don’t be afraid of small talk.

9 – Be a good listener and ask good follow up questions!

10 – Be sure to Follow up with each person you meet!


Check out the Trade Show University YouTube Channel for exclusive video trainings and tips!

About the author, Jim

Jim Cermak has over 30 years of exhibiting, planning and working trade shows. As a Professional Trainer, he helps companies transform their results at trade shows, expos, events and conferences.

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